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Beads & Boos: Trauma care at Rapides Regional earns a vital mark

BEADS: To Rapides Regional Medical Center in Alexandria, which has been verified as a Class II trauma center. The designation, which requires recurring re-evaluation, is based on the American College of Surgeons verifying the presence at Rapides Regional of all resources listed for this performance classification in Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. That list of resources is extensive, and it touches every part of the medical center -- staffing, equipment, programs, procedures, services, protocol, training and backup. Level II trauma centers collaborate with their Level I counterparts, which have surgical expertise in additional disciplines and ongoing research programs.

BEADS: To the Rev. Chad Partain, chancellor of the Catholic Diocese of Alexandria and pastor of St. Paul's Church in Mansura, for writing "The Heart of Louisiana: An Illustrated History of Rapides Parish." And Beads to the Historical Association of Central Louisiana for urging him to do so. The illustrated book, a narrative history, may be purchased at Kent Plantation House in Alexandria, the Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria/Pineville Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Charrier and Charrier Law Offices, also in Alexandria. Proceeds go to the Historical Association. For more information, call the association at (318) 448-3952.

BOOS: To the conditions that have caused the nine-parish Baton Rouge metropolitan area to have the highest rate of AIDS among all metro areas in the country. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the new statistics, for 2010, on Wednesday. Baton Rouge had the second-highest AIDS rate the previous two years. Baton Rouge has a rate of 33.7, which means 33 out of every 100,000 people have tested positive for AIDS.

BEADS: To Nazarene Baptist Church in Alexandria, for sponsoring informational meetings about underage drinking and other challenges faced by young people and their families. The church held a "Project Success" session last week at which participants learned about the causes and dangers of alcohol abuse. Learn more about the program by calling (318) 443-7327.

BEADS: To the 27th Louisiana Nursery Festival, held over the weekend in Forest Hill. The annual festival in the "Nursery Capital of Louisiana" is a special event for the village and the region. It showcases an important part of Louisiana's horticulture industry and is a late-winter tradition for Central Louisiana families and business owners. Good growers that they are, the people of Forest Hill are already planning for 2013.


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